Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Individual Study Progress - Blog 4

Today I focused on tidying up places where I mess up on. I also ran the piece as a whole with the accompaniment several times. I think I'm going to have to slow down bars 16-18 on the accompaniment. Other then that spot the tempo isnt a big problem.
With the accompaniment i find it more challenging because you have to listen and make sure your playing on time with the piano.
Over the next two days I hope to practise and add finishing touches and then record!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Individual Study Progress - Blog 3

Today I continued to work on bars 13-26. I also I started to focus on bar 27 to the end. I am getting better on bars 16-18 but I still cant play these measure up to tempo, although its getting there. I have improved on playing the right notes and being careful not to mix up the naturals from the flats.
Bar 27 to the end I really just need to focus on counting, and making sure I give the right notes the right beat. Also in some of the bars there is a F# which is something I have to keep in mind especially when playing bars 31-34 and bars 39 and 40. The F alternates from F natural to F# which makes it harder, because for flutes you dont generally see to many f#'s. Playing lower sometimes makes me play slower, so i have to make sure my tempo is constitant and equal throughout the piece.
Next I hope to try the piece with the piano accompaniment.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Individual Study Progress - Blog 2

Today I focused on bars 13-22. I found these bars to be more challenging then the first set of bars. I found it difficult to play the higher notes especially in bars 16-18. The biggest problem I'm having with these bars is the E natural. I have to remember my fingering and make note that the piece is in the key of C+. This rule also takes into effect in bar 13 where I always seem to play B flat instead of B natural. The quick tempo of this piece increases the difficulty of playing the right notes. To fix this problem, today I slowed down the tempo of the song to make sure I was playing all the right notes. As I keep practising each time I will hopefully be able to increase the tempo bit by bit untill I get the tempo fast enough!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Individual Study Blog #1

Today was the first day I started working on the individual study. I didnt have too much difficulty on bars 5 through 13. Sometimes I found the sluring in bars 7 - 8 to be challenging. I have to make sure that the two sets of sixteen notes come out seperate rather than as one. This piece has many slurs that are followed by staccatos. I have to practise and make sure I play the staccatos where they're written and be careful not to slur the staccatos into the measure. The last note in the 12th measure is a B natural. Being a flute I am used to playing in the key of B flat major. With this piece being in the key of C+ I have to remember to play B and E natural.